Pure Water Solutions

Our Alternate Design water solution services delivers products designed and manufactured by professional plumbers.

We have a solution for all water services. We’re happy to consult with you and provide a recommendation on what system is the best fit for your needs and family.

We offer whole house water filtration with Halo Water Systems; this product improves the water coming into your home for your every need, including your showers and baths!  This system makes drinking your tap water a renewed option, saving you money by not having to buy bottled water! For your good health, we carry an extraordinary product line that will generate Alkaline Ionized Water. In today’s busy world, we have become an acidic society, with the foods we eat and liquids we drink, our naturally alkaline bodies are being transformed into acidic waste dumps. Alkaline ionizers are designed to stabilize the alkalinity levels in our bodies. This product line is offered through Alkaviva.

For those of you who are looking for “just a water softener”, we don’t make a specific recommendation on a product but assure you that we will install a system that you may wish to seek out and purchase.  In our experience, those on well water seem to struggle with staying ahead of the ever-changing quality of water that they are getting from their well, hence the water softener that may work today may not be so great in six months.  Some product lines that are out there for purchase are not the greatest quality, the media doesn’t hold up well, and a host of other issues that we have experienced over the years and have left us reluctant to sell directly to you.  As we noted above, we will gladly install any unit that you may find and purchase, just give us a call and we’ll get you set up!  386-774-8080

Alkaline Ionized Water

Water Quality You & Your Family Can Count On. Get Healthy Water for Drinking, Bathing & Cooking!

Halo Water Systems

Discover the Healthiest & Best Tasting Water in the World!

Call Today! (386) 774-8080